Legal Service Areas

The Law Offices of Jensen E. Silvis is here to help you make the legal process as easy as possible while getting you the results you deserve. Read more below to learn how we can help. 

Estate Planning and Probate

Planning for retirement and end-of-life can be tough. However, it is necessary for several reasons, including avoiding unwanted government interference, tax benefits, and fulfilling your final wishes. We cater to your individual needs whether you require a simple will, power of attorney, or something more substantial like a trust. If a loved one has passed, we can also assist you with working through the probate process

Civil Litigation

If you have not been paid, you deserve the money owed to you. On the flip side, if you are being sued you need competent representation. Our office has extensive experience in collecting your money as well as defending undue lawsuits.


Whether you are a landlord who has gone unpaid for months or a tenant that has been wronged, the Law Office of Jensen Silvis is able to assist with your case. We are here to aid in navigating the difficult legal field that is the current state of landlord/tenant law.

Business Formation/Corporate Law

Going with a cheap online business formation company sounds great until you realize you haven't met state or federal standards leading to audits or a distraught customer personally suing you. We are versed in Ohio business start-ups and commit to helping you remain compliant in the eyes of the law.

Criminal Defense

Whether innocent or guilty, you need an attorney representing your best interests. The Law Offices of Jensen Silvis handles all criminal matters.


Ohio has expanded the legal ability to have your record sealed. This process is integral for employment access, public record searches, and even gun rights. We can handle your particular situation to help you move on.


Nobody gets married thinking they will get divorced. This is one of the hardest decisions considered in life. However, if it is time to move on, my office fights for your rights and specializes in custody and child support matters.

Property Tax Appeals

The amount you pay in property taxes is based upon several factors such as school levies and special assessments. The county appraises the value of your property every six years. If you feel you are paying too much in property taxes, you have the right to a hearing in front of your county board of revision (which can be appealed at the state level).

Environmental/Property Law

The Law Offices of Jensen Silvis specializes in property law from simple deed transfers all the way to title disputes. We are also experienced in federal/state environmental laws, nuisance and trespass, conservation easements and other land protections.

Let us help you get the results you deserve.